Monday, December 12, 2016

Essay 2

Ict in the future

In the far future there is certainly no doubt that the growth of information technology will rise at its highest peak. We will see something extraordinary and the most phenomenal technology inventions with absolutely no trouble at all. Computers will expand its reach of boundaries and smart phones will be limitless usage of our daily life. Because the usage, the demand of smart phone is incredibly increasing day by day. We cant stop the progress of machine. The numbers of usage will disgustingly increase, more and more. But what I believe its progress is leading us to our end. It is important that our youth must study the technology due to the massive upgrade but we must also remember who we are and where we come from. Disembarking from our nature and culture will lead us to our doom. There is something universal law that balances all things and kind. If we go further and further, its only a matter of time the end of all things will come at our grasp. We should move forward carefully not simultaneously and fast. Because what makes us Mongolian is our culture, the nomadic life that allowed our ancestors survive through time and made present us. So we must carry the will of our previous predecessors because if the mighty technology fails, where do we land.

Essay 1

        Ever since the revolution of science began in 14th century, people of the earth started to invent new things. New look, new vision and new technology. This essay is not about just some invented technology but the definition and the history of what was invention back in the darkest time of human history.
        Before 14th century the invention time ratio was scarce because of the dominant religious pressure from the church. People were not allowed to forbid the will of the god. By meaning that people actually cant research what they desire. What was wondered by the people, remained as question because the threat of the church could actually kill those who went against the will of the church and the will of the God. Who would wanted to die during their research. But the curiosity of researchers, exhibitors, scientists raised their bloodlust of interest in the human nature, planet, physics and chemistry. The cost of study and research in science was beyond the count of death and grief of those who bravely stood against the church. Certain people made the ultimate sacrifice in order to stablish the new view of planet earth for the people who blindly followed the church.

         Galileo, Nicolas Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and Archimedes these scientists were the god father of invention and there are more. It is true that the first invention was far back from 14th century which was fire by the caveman in 100000 bc. But the true invention and vision for the future was made in 14th century “The Scientific Revolution”.